1.Chance vs Luck - Courtney's definition is luck is generated by one's efforts.
2. Thomas Jefferson agrees. (At least in my mind. Apparently, the researchers at Monticello can not verify he said it.)
3. GREEN GLASS DOOR - answer is any name with double letters can go through. (E.g. Penny can go through, but Cyrus cannot.)
4. "Airports are the places where we wait to hurry up." - Courtney P. Ferrell. This is, to me, one of the funniest sayings she's made on this podcast. In the military we used to say, "Hurry up and wait" and as only Courtney can, she twists it all around and makes it funny.
10. The baseball of the 1950 New York Yankees with Joe DiMaggio's signature. I am 99% sure this was the year my father attended and had the team sign the ball.